Friday 18 March 2016

Quick On Page Seo Tricks To Optimize Blog For Search Engines

On page seo refers to placing keywords at accurate position to optimize blog to rank higher in search engines. on page seo is the initial stage of optimizing your blog for search engines. With a perfect on page seo, we can rank higher in search engines. Many search engine optimization and marketing companies offer on page seo service for their customers in order to rank their web pages in google search results. In this article i am sharing some basic search engine optimization tips which are on page optimization tips which help you to rank your blog well in search engines without hiring any local search engine optimization company.

What is on page SEO ? 

On page seo refers to the part of optimizing the blog for search engines by placing proper keywords at proper places on the web pages. Including the perfect keywords in the content will rank the page's well in search results.

On Page SEO Tips & Tricks:

Before starting with on page seo, we have to select the right keyword which suits the best for the article to rank well. You can do keyword research using google keyword planner tool to fetch the accurate keywords for your blog. Always choose the keywords which have more no of searches with less competition.
Once you are ready with your targeted keyword, Then now its time for on page search engine optimization to place the keyword at accurate places. follow the below tips to rank well in search engines.

1.Place Keywords in the introduction paragraph:
It is necessary to include all your targeted keywords in the introduction paragraph. Always include your keywords in the introduction paragraph, middle of the content and end of the content. It is adviced not to over do it. Keyword stuffing your blog with all the keywords will increase your chances of getting hit by google update's. So always be careful while inserting keyword's in the blog posts.

2.Bold, Italic & Underline Keywords: stylizing your keywords will highlight the keywords and they can be easily targeted by visitors and search engines. So always bold, italic and underline the keyword's to make your keywords look more attractive.

3.Insert Keywords in Heading Tags: Most of the blogger's skip this step. But inserting keyword's in heading tags like h2,h3,h4 will definitely increase your visibility in search engine's. Use proper heading tags to highlight your content and include the targeted keyword's in the heading tags for better search engine optimizing your blog.

4.Include Keyword's in Your Blog Title: This is the most important part of seo optimizing your blog. Because the title play's an important role in search engine optimization. Always select an eye catching and user friendly title with the targeted keywords in it. Try to be unique in creating title. organic visitors coming from search engine will click on your link by just looking at the title. so keep your title unique and engaging such that the user should show interest to click on your link.
Don't make the title much lengthy and much shorter. Keep the title with in 30-65 characters long with the targeted keywords included in it. To count total no of characters in blog title, You can use our characters counter tool.

5.Use keyword's in Meta Search Description: Including your keyword's in meta description or search description will definitely increase your ranking's in google. Basically meta description or search description is a short overview of the entire article. So include your keyword's in the meta search description.
Don't make the meta description or search description too lengthy or too short. The meta description should not exceed 160 characters and also should not be much short. To count your meta description length use our character's count tool.

6.Use Keyword's in Image Alt Text, Title Text, File Name: Using image's in blog posts will give a good user experience. But search engine's cannot understand what is actually there in an image. SO we use alt and title text to describe an image. Placing keyword's in alt text, title text and also in the image file name will increase the visibility of blog in search engine's.
Alt Text, Title Text & image file name should not contain more than 4 or 5 words.

7.Use Keyword's in Permanent Link: Using keyword's in permanent link will raise a signal to google that the article is related to the keyword. So the chances of ranking your blog will be higher in search engine's if you place keyword's in the permanent link or url of the blog post.
Make the permanent link as short as possible with including the keywords in it. Don't use more than 4 word's in the permanent link and don't forget to include keyword's in it.

8.Interlink Article's: Internal linking previous article's will decrease bounce rate and also increase your chances of visibility in search engine's. Link your old article's with the relevant word's in the blog posts.

9.Don't Stuff Article With Keyword's: Don't use keyword's repeatedly in the article. Your keyword's should be included naturally only at the required position. Always maintain a good keyword density of 2-4%. Never stuff your blog will all the keyword's. Other wise your blog will face hit by google update's.

10.Write Article with Atleast 500 words: There is no specific word count limit for blog posts. But writing a blog with minimum 500 word's will keep your blog away from google update's like panda update. Never write irrelevant content just to increase the word count. Its the visitors who read your blog and not the search engine's. So always write article's by a reader point of view.You can count total no of word's in your blog post using our word's counter tool.

If you follow the above tips, Then 50% of seo optimizing your blog is finished and the remaining 50% depends upon your off page seo. These are the basic on page search engine optimization tips to optimize your blog for search engine's with out hiring any local search engine optimization or marketing company. If your blog is perfect with on page seo, Then the next step is off page seo. If you have done both on page seo and off page seo perfectly, Then your blog will rank higher in search engine's.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Top 10 Popular Wordpress Plugins That Every Wordpress Site Needed

Top 10 Popular Wordpress Plugins That Every Wordpress Site Needed
As content tells the whole story of your site,a punch of Responsive plugins shows the perfect Decoration & stamina of your wordPress site..Mainly newbie wordPress users do not know that which plugin are best for their wordpress site & how to effectively use to get better advantage...It is important for every wordpress user should aware for this..Wordpress has been designed to lean & flexible to come some basic functionality..

Responsive plugins are tools that extend the functionality that WordPress offers..Different users have different needs & they choose the plugins which they want to add on their site..

plugins help bridge this demand for extra functionality.There are 29,606 plugins & 605,583,533 times downloaded those plugin in wordpress..But you will only choose to use few plugins from those plugin..

Plugins are one of the main reasons that wordpress has gained more popularity over those past years..Plugin not only simple tools,it will your site to be turn in to e-commerce..

So this is the time for you to turn your wordpress site to be more attractive..Here i have brought top 10 wordpress plugins which helps you get boost your site definitely..So Read the article carefully & steps to step...

#1.Wordpress Seo By Yoast : Best Wordpress SEO Plugin

This is the most popular Seo plugin which every blogger should install in their wordpress sites..This SEO plugin let you post quality contents & boost your SERP Results.WordPress SEO forces you to choose a focus keyword when you're writing your articles, and then makes sure you use that focus keyword everywhere.It is full packs of all SEO related contains..You can get the most preferable & powerful tools like as Page Analysis,Social Integration,Import & Export Functionality,XML sitemaps,Breadcrumbs,RSS optimization,Meta & Link elements,Google Snippets tools and lot of more..It's available both of free & premium version but only email support are available for premium members..

#2.Contact Form 7:-

A cool and simple but flexible contact form for your wordpress site.Simply install the plugin & customize this contact form which type you want,the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.It has capability to manage multiple contacts forms.It also supports Captcha,Akismet spam filtering,Ajax etc..

#3.Google Analytics for WordPress:-

Another most popular and needed plugin is google analytics.It allows you to track your site easily and with lots of metadata of your site.simple installation Google Analytics API..This plugin has used the asynchronous google tracking code and most reliable tracking code,also fasted processing control system.It supports the custom google analytics variables to track meta data of pages as author,post type ,Tags,Category,publication years..It also supports easily connect to your google analytics and google adsense.It has configurable option to track outbound either as can also manually place the tracking code in any place for get better analysis..

#4.W3 Total Cache:-

Another awesome wordpress plugin which known as W3 Total cache is only a Wordpress Performance optimization(WPO) framework.It helps the users to improve the experience and page speed like ad imporve your sites 10x time than other sites mainly increase your YSlow.The W3 Total Cache reduce your page load time ,increase your visitors viewing page times,Improved web server performance; sustain high traffic periods..It helps your site to reduced 80% bandwidth via minify,Compression of CSS,Java Script,HTML.It gives Benefit for instant page views and browse caching..

#5.Jetpack by

A Cool Wordpress plugin which supercharges your self-hosted wordpress site with some awesome feature added on your site..It includes many features which are social media base comment system,Email Subscriptions for your post update and visitors post comments,Social media like on post,backed contact forms of akismet,embedded social media like Youtube,Digg,Vimeo,Integration with and automatic posting to your favorite social networks including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Path, and LinkedIn,Spelling and grammar,Css Editor,Url Shortener and many more option..It is the bag of all cool feature .. XML Sitemap:-

One another most markable Wordpress plugin which helps search engines like,,,,baidu and Bing to know your site better and ensures that read my all pages carefully and perfect indexed all of my pages..If your site contains a lot of pages and post then It's very difficult for you to update manually..This sitemap helps your site to fetch your all post automatically..Also helps you to send notification all of the major search engine about your new posts or new pages..All type of wordpress generated pages or custom URL's are supported by This Google XML Sitemap..


Akismet,a popular plugin checks your blog post or page comments against akismet web service to detect whether it is spam or not.A single comment is the source of conversion between the visitor and the site owner..A good comment expressed the sites content power and expressed the visitor view about the topic which helps to improve your post or a source of knowledge.A spam comment harms for your it's important to remove those spam.Akismet cuts down the spam comments,links etc .Akismet stores the approved comments and mark the spam ...

#8.NextGEN Gallery:-

NextGen Gallery is most popular wordpress plugin which provides a powerful engine for uploading and managing galleries of images.It works as photo image host..It is simple to use and easy to handalled.It has better ability to upload,import data,Edit thumbnails,grouping album..It also provides the support of controlling lightbox effects,timing,transitions,size and many more ..

#9.Share Buttons by AddThis:-

A social media share button called addthis which helps your visitor to share your post on the social media..Everyone want to share his blog post through incoming visitors..your users can promote your post by sharing to over 330 of the most popular site like facebook,google plus,twitter,stumble,linkedin,Pinterest etc through addthis..


Wp-pagenavi is also a popular plugin which expressed the total page in the site..It additionally featured Old post and next post option which indicates what is your upcoming post in the blog..

Final Words Reader those wordpress plugins are very important for your wordpress blog..So Download those Plugins and install it..We always try to give you the best quality content.So Our readers I have done this nice job for your help..So Support us to grow this Blog & Stay Connected..We will Publish more valuable content for you..Support us with drop a comment below & share our article..
If you face any problem to add this widget or another problem please feel free to ask a question through comment..!!!

All in One SEO Pack 2016 for Blogger

To get organic visitor to blog it is very important to make our blog seo friendly. Without proper seo, we cannot get visitor from search engine like google, yahoo and bing. I will share a lot of technique for seo. Today i am sharing a very good plugin named as "all in one seo plugin for blogger". It is same as all in one seo pack for wordpress. By this we don't need to do extra for seo. This post is not for fresher but also for expert. This plugin allow the bot of search engine to crawl our blog.Hence our visitor will rapidly increases.
All in One SEO Pack 2015 for Blogger

All in One SEO Pack Features

  • Show Post Title First In Search Results
  •  Add Meta Tags in Your Blogger Blog.
  •  Search Engine Optimized Blogger Labels
  •  SEO Optimize Blogger Comments
  •  Search Engine Optimized Blogger Archives
  •  Verify Google, Bing and Alexa by verification code - NEW
  •  Facebook and Twitter Profile Compatible - NEW
  •  Optimize Post Title Using H2 Tag
  •  Add an SEO Friendly Robots.txt File
  •  Allow Bots to crawl your site on daily basis
  •  Helps you in Getting High USA Traffic
  •  Google + Author Profile Picture Compatible
  •  Convert Title Tags to Dynamic Title Tags

How to Add All in One SEO Pack Plugin in Blogger

Step:1 Log in to your blogger blog dashboard
Step:2 Open Template >> Edit Html
Step:3 Search <head> by using ctrl plus f.
Step:4 Copy below code and paste it below the <head>.
 <!-- All In One SEO Pack 2015 v2.0 by Prabhat Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/></title>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<meta content='noindex, nofollow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageTitle != data:blog.title'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='GOOGLE VERIFICATION CODE' name='google-site-verification'/>
<meta content='BING VERIFICATION CODE' name='msvalidate.01'/>
<meta content='ALEXA VERIFICATION CODE' name='alexaVerifyID'/>
<meta content='global' name='distribution'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit'/>
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='document' name='resource-type'/>
<meta content='all' name='audience'/>
<meta content='general' name='rating'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='en-us' name='language'/>
<meta content='USA' name='country'/>
<meta content='@Facebook' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='@Twitter' name='twitter:site'/>
<link href='' rel='author'/>
<link href='' rel='publisher'/>
<!-- All In One SEO Pack 2016 v2.0 by Prabhat End -->
 Step:5 Now Save.

All in One SEO Pack Customization

- Change @Facebook with your Facebook ID
- Change @Twitter with your Twitter ID
Replace Red colored line with your Google Plus Profile
- Replace Pink colored line with your website's Google Plus Page
- Put your Google, Bing and Alexa Verification Code in the place of Bold Words Line

Final word: You have sucessfully installed All in One SEO Pack 2015. If you are facing any problem then comment below.

Top 5 Best Adsense Alternatives For Your Blog [2016]

Nowadays, Everyone wants to make some extra bucks from their home without going outside. And few of them are earning well from their living room. But the majority of them failed to earn and finally they giveup. If you have a blog or website, then it is very easy to make money online. It needs passion and hard work to achieve the goal. Many bloggers are using Google Adsense or other ads to monetize their blog and make money. I am also using Google Adsense to make money. As you know, Getting Google Adsense approval is getting very very difficult day by day. { I am not demotivating you].

If you are eligible then try to apply for Google Adsense. But somehow, If you get rejected or banned, then no need to worry at all. You can use many other Adsense alternatives to make equivalent amount as Adsense pays. In this article, I have short listed the top 10 popular, high paying Google Adsense Alternatives to monetize or earn revenue from your blog.

Top 10 High paying Google Adsense Alternatives:

#1. Revenue Hits:  Revenue Hits is one of the best advertising network. This is a CPA based ads network that pays for each and every eCPM. This advertising network has helped many blogger to make huge money just by blogging. It has an interesting platform that pays decent money to the bloggers. This is a Geo Targeted and Contextual ad network. You can register free of cost and start making money. After applying, they will approve or disapprove your account after viewing your blog or website. Its payment method are by Paypal, Wire, Payoneer.
#2. Adversal:  Adversal is also getting popular and works better than Chitika. It provides awesome banners, CTR and good revenue. It also provides good looking image for ads. It is almost similar to Google Adsense due to its high CTR. The best thing about this is that it supports many languages. The minimum requirements before applying for Adversal is that your blog must get a minimum of 50,000 page view per month. It pays through Paypal.
#3. Bidvertiser: Bidvertisers offers intriguing ad formats and support Pop up under ads and XML feeds. It provides free design formats and helped many bloggers to suceed. It pays for every valid click because it track the location and ip address of the customer.
#4. Infolinks: This is one of the mostly used ad network by millions of blogger world wide. It needs high traffic to turn valid click into money. It provides four different types of ad formats. These are listed below:
Intext: It shows double underline or dotted single line below the keywords in your blog. When you move your mouse cursor over the keyword, they show the ads. It generates high money.
Inframe: It shows ads on your blog or website’s sidebar.
Infold: It provides user relevant ads in your blog [What the user have searched before coming to your blog].
Intag: This also shows double line under relevant keywords and shows ads when you move the cursor over there.
You can also earn revenue by referring to other users through your referral link. Its approval is very easy and fast. Within two days after applying, you can show Infolinks ads on your blog.
5. BuySellAds: This is the best choice if you have space on your blog or website and want to sell to the clients. Buysell Ads helps you to find the right customer as per the traffic of your blog. You have to publish your ad on the Buysell ads wait for some day until you get a right customer. BSA pays 75% of the revenue on appealing on it. Its pays through paypal twice in a month. There is no any minimum limit to issue payment. In this way, you can monatize as well as make money online without doing any official job.

Final Words:In this article, I have only short listed the top paying ads network to make decent money. I recommend you to use these and let me know what do you think about these ads network. In the next article, I will share other high paying ads network till then try to use above ads networks and drive more traffic. Happy Blogging!.

How to Improve Home Page Loading Speed for Websites/blogs

How to Improve Home Page Loading Speed for Websites/blogs
This is very important for every blog and websites. No one loves lazy loading blog. To Improve Search Engine Ranking you should improve home page loading speed first. Another side, People hate lazy loading blogs and websites because lazy loading blogs waste their time and make them angry. So, this should be harder to drive targeted traffic to your blog, in this case you must have to improve home page loading speed.
Surely, you should make your blog faster loading. if you want to improve your blog ranking on search  engines then I’ll suggest you to do only quality works. Let me explain you that “How to Improve Home
Page Loading Speed for Websites/blogs

Make Sure about Your Site’s Server

This is the first thing that you’ll think before buying domain hosting. Sometimes, providers try to provide domain hosting at too cheap price, the price is really not believable. They provide low quality service to their clients. This is quite harmful to every blog and websites because you’ll see your blog is not working, taking huge times to load but your home is very fast loading and you’ll also face with many problems. So, be sure about the provider before buying domain hosting from them. I should suggest–>
  • Bluehost
  • Hostgator

Choose the Correct Layout/Navigation

You should choose good and understandable layout for your blog. Sometimes, people try to use heavy design navigation but this is not healthy for any websites or blogs. Keep in your mind that, search engines and people don’t care about heavy design they just care about your blog’s contents and easy navigation. If your blog’s navigation is very good, easy and understandable then people should browse your blog regularly.
Do you’ve confusion about improving home page loading speed? Which kinds of widgets you should use etc.? Don’t worry. I’ll share honestly from my own experience. Let me explain.

This is not important to use 3D kinds of images, texts etc. on the home page. People try to design a home page with heavy CSS & JAVA Script files but why? Maximum, the design should look good but this should not help you anytime. So, I’ll suggest you to delete every invaluable codes, files from home page. I’m not just talking about heavy web designing codes. You should not use also any heavy images or files on your site’s home page.

So, you’ve deleted invaluable files and heavy images from your site’s home page. Now look at your site’s home page and check out it again. Which things are really not helping you to promote page views and ranking, clear them completely.
Where to Meet?
To improve home page loading speed, you should meet with the developer closely. You’ll discuss about optimizing your media contents, Java scripts, CSS files to your blog. Java Scripts and CSS files also need to optimize to improve home page loading speed. If you work with your developer from first to last and explain him/her that you are looking for SEO friendly Design and want first loading website then general things should move smoothly. So, don’t forget to do it. If you are a developer then keep these things in your mind to improve loading speed of your blog or website.

Check out Unused CSS & Remove

Sometimes, we change and edit designs and even we change also template or theme but maximum times we forget to keep fresh our blog or website after changing or editing. So, this is important to remove unused CSS files toimprove page loading speed. This kind of files just wastes time but don’t give any benefit. So, just kick out them from your blog or website.

Minify Java Script Files

Generally Java Script files are harmful to improve home page loading speed if you use them unnecessarily. Do you know that, when people comment on a WordPress blog then they just create a Java Script automatically if admin approve his/her comment. So, keep it in your mind if you are running a blog on WordPress platform. Remove unwanted comments and delete them completely. Not only about comments, there can be many causes to using unused Java Script files. You’ll just check it regularly and delete them regularly. If you are not able to take care of your blog or website then I’ll suggest you to hire someone from freelancing marketplaces who should take care of your blog regularly. Sometimes, we work hard to improve search engine ranking and also forimproving targeted trafficbut these kinds of hidden problems don’t let us to improve ranking and traffic. So, be careful about this.

Check Broken Links and Resolve Them

Broken Links/Crawl Errors? Oh No! Very harmful. Broken links discover bad request when we load that page. This can be a big cause of lazy loading. You should check them regularly. There are many broken link checker but I’ll suggest you to use Google Webmaster Tools. You can find broken links of your site by this tool and you can remove all broken linksmanually by using Google Link Removal.

If you are running your blog on WordPress platform then you may use WordPress pluginsto check and fix your blog’s broken links. I know about one WordPress plugin, this is really easy to use. Just install that plugin and search for check. I’m sure you’ll understand everything after installing the plugin. The name of this plugin is WordPress Broken Link Checker.

Use Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insightis a page speed checker tool by Google Inc. Personally I suggest everybody to use Google services for web marketing, developing and designing. This tool should let you know about the problems of your web page and why taking more times to load completely. They also give you suggestions to fix all problems! And everything is free! So, just check and solve your problems to improve home page loading speed.      

How to Disable Country Specific Domain Redirection in Blogger

How to Disable Country Specific Domain Redirection in Blogger
Blogger always redirect our blog to specific country domain. For example if you have a blog url like and your reader is viewing this blog from uk then your blog address will redirected to . Such type of redirection is also known as 302 redirection or also called as country-code Top Level Domain" (ccTLD). In following countries blogger redirect blog to specific country domain. By this google can block a blog in one country and blog will visible for other countries.

  1. Argentina [] 
  2. Australia [] 
  3. Brazil [] 
  4. Canada [] 
  5. Czech Republic []
  6. France [] 
  7. Germany [] 
  8. Hong Kong []
  9. India [] 
  10. Italy [] 
  11. Japan [] 
  12. Mexico [] 
  13. New Zealand [] 
  14. Portugal [] 
  15. Romania []
  16. Spain [] 
  17. Sweden [] 
  18. UK [] 

How/Why the Blog name is Redirecting to country based domain

By default, Google Blogger set the master code into the Blog server to redirect their Blogger address into country based domain name like(,, Etc) for ex: If you create a new Blog with the name like after some time you opened that blog and it will automatically redirect to the Country based Domain name.

How to prevent the Redirection

Is there any solution to solve this issue??? The answer to this question is yes you will able to predict the redirection by using the code we developed.

Why we need to stop country redirection in blogger

 We must stop such specific domain redirection in blogger because it gives negative effects like this.
  1. If you are using any other comment system then it will create problem.
  2.  Alexa ranking is different for different country. Our alexa ranking will never bosst.
  3. Social sharing likes will be reduced.

Stop Country Redirection in blogger

Step:1 Visit and login with your google account.
Step:2 Now open Template >> Edit Html. Dont miss to take a backup of blogger template.
Step:3 Search for </head> by using CTRL plus f.
Step:4 Copy below code and paste just after the </head>
 <script type='text/javascript'> var str= window.location.href.toString(); if ((str.indexOf('.com/'))=='-1') { var str1=str.substring(str.lastIndexOf(".blogspot.")); if (str1.indexOf('/')=='-1') { var str2=str1; } else { var str2=str1.substring(0,str1.indexOf('/')+1); } window.location.href =window.location.href.toString().replace(str2,''); } </script>

Step:5 Click save and check your blog.

Is this code is SEO friendly???
-Yes, this code is 100% SEO friendly code no doubt about that.
Is this trick affects Adsense??
-No, it will not affect the Adsense. It is Google friendly code.

Add Non Removable Credit Link With Encrypt Javascript

Add Non Removable Credit Link With Encrypt Javascript
Creating a new theme, plugin or widgets is a combination of imagination and creative ideas. When a designer create a new template, then credit of that work is very important for him. A new blogger remove or modify their credit link own link.Hence it is very important to add a non removable footer credit link in blogger template coding. There are a lot of articles are present on internet to add a non removable link but newbie blogger are smart. They remove credit link within five sec. But, pro blogger like Prabhat (me) are more expert then newbie. Let's see how we can add a non removable credit link in blogger themes.
Must Read : How to change blogger template

How Add Non Removable Credit Link In Blogger Theme

Step:1 Adding a non removable credit link is very easy task. Just copy below java script  and add it with any other code like summary code or related post code.

<script type='text/javascript'>
var aa=$("#mycredit").val();
if (aa == null) {
window.location.href = "";


Explain :

Step:2 You need to add following coding in footer of blogger template.
<div id='#mycredit'>
Designed By <a href='' id='#mycredit'>Electrical Live</a>
Step:3 We need to hide above first java script in theme coding. Javascript encrypter is best tool to encrypt. After this java script become non readable.

Final Word: We write detailed guide for adding non removable credit link in blogger theme.We can also add non removable link in blogger widgets. If you face with any problem then comment below.

Exclusive Interview With Rohan Chaubey From

Welcome folks.

A few days ago, I started a series post - "Talk With Celeb". In the list of TWC, Rohan Chaubey from "Be Rohanlicious" is with us.

Reading his answers, I found that he is not a money blogger and is blogging for passion, not money. Read the complete interview to find out more about him.

1. Thanks for accepting my interview request. Tell us something about yourself and your educational background.
Answer: Thanks for having me over. I’m an Engineering student pursuing Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering. I was 16 when I contributed to India’s Largest IT community – TechGig[dot]com. I helped them prepare learning resources for SQL. My deepest passion is to help others using all my gifts. I firmly believe that the person, who gives the most, always wins.
Must Read: How to get google adsense approval account
I am often called as relationship strategist, social media enthusiast, programming geek and a young technology blogger with a penchant for personal development. I’m soon going to launch my first e-book “Make People Want You”.

2. How did you start your blogging journey, what is the story behind your blog?
Answer: Before I started my own blog, I used to play on a gaming website. The website allowed individual participants to maintain their own blog.

I used to share my thoughts there and people used to up-vote it like crazy. Often times, my blog posts used to get top ranked.

After a few months, I created my own blog “Be Rohanlicious”, and shared some programming tutorials there. It evolved and now it’s a multi-niche blog covering topics such as social media, blogging, programming and self development.

3. We all learn from our mistakes. What mistakes did you make when you started blogging?

Answer: I trust the timing of my life. In a way, everything we do requires learning. And learning is a continuous process. I won’t say that I didn’t make any mistake. But I would prefer saying – “I’m doing better than before. And I’ll keep increasing the standard.”

4. How much time you devote for your blog per day?
Answer: It varies. If I’ve college exams or assignments to complete, I’ll do that first and would not log in to my blog until I finish it.

On week days, I spend 4 hours on blogging related activities and on weekends, the timings and hours totally depend on my schedule. I’m flexible with time.

5. From where do you get ideas for your upcoming blog posts and how do you manage to get traffic to your latest blog posts?
Answer: My readers decide on what topics I should write on. I’ve a contact form on my site from where they can send me topic suggestions.

I do a Q and A blog post series known as #AskRohan in which my readers send me questions and I answer them. It is fun and I see many of my readers enjoy it.

My major blog traffic comes from social media. My friends and blog visitors are too kind to share all my posts aggressively on various social media platforms.

It all starts with reciprocation as one of my quotes say – “The law of kindness and reciprocity is more important that pictures with a fake smile on social media.”

6. How do you go about promoting your blog on the web?
Answer: Self-promotion can feel uncomfortable, awkward and wrong. But as creators, we need to realize that if we do not share our creations, they might not reach a wider range of audience. Just to ease the process of content promotion and marketing, you can introduce reciprocation in your promotion strategy.
And here, reciprocation does not mean support is demanded, it is just appreciated.

You’ll mostly find me actively promoting my content on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

7. What are your favorite internet marketing tools? Would you suggest any premium tools for newbies?
Answer: I don’ use any tools except these two:
                A) Google keyword planner.
                B) Google Analytics.

8. Please share a few link building methods which you find the most effective?
Answer: I don't have any strategy for link building. I get links naturally and that is how it should be. To answer your question: Interviews, guest posts and infographics can help in gaining good amount of back links for your blog.

9. What advice would you give to bloggers who are just getting started?
Answer: I would say, do not enter blogging to compete, enter to dominate it. Always share your expertise and opinions; you might end up helping a few people. The world craves something fresh. Stop doing things which others have already done.

10. What is your best way to make money from blogging and do you think it can work for every blogger?
Answer: I’m not a money blogger. I’m not here to play the money game; I’m here to change the game. I’m soon releasing my first e-book “Make People Want You”. I’m super excited because it will serve two purposes:

1. I’ll be able to help my readers. The e-book is all about strategies to stand out and be heard in this over-crowded world.
The e-book can help you win hearts of your readers, clients, influencers, friends and even haters. It’s all about making people like you.
All I want to convey from this book is — never jump on the bandwagon. Have the courage to be different and stand up for what you believe in.

2. Extensive revenue that will be generated from the sales of the e-book will be donated to a charity. I support education, so I’m in the process of getting my partnership approved with one of the catholic charity organization.

11. What message would you give to our TECH TEAR readers?
Answer: I would like to share my quotes. Hopefully all the wise souls will understand the message behind that –
"Revenge will lead you to nowhere, but forgiveness leads you closer to God."

"If being nice is being Fake, I would prefer being Fake."

"The law of kindness and reciprocity is more important that pictures with a fake smile on social media."

"Hug your haters and kill them with your kindness."

You can connect with me on:


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8 Easy Google Adsense Approval Tricks For Blogspot

8 Easy Google Adsense Approval Tricks For Blogspot
Every blogger starts his blogging journey to earn handsome money online. There are a lot of medium present to monetize our blog. But google adsense is best advertisement for monetize blog to earn online.CTR of google adsense is highest and it is 99% best then other alternative of adsense. Now following questions is arise in your mind.

How can I apply google adsense program

What are minimum requirements of google adsense?

Why my google adsense is not approved?

According to report only 20 account is approved by google within 10000 applies. So I am writing a detailed post on google adsense approve. You must follow these step to get a fully activated google adsense account.

Write Quality Contents: According to bill gates “ Content is King”. You should have high quality content on your blog. Copy from other blog and then apply for adsense is not acceptable. Always try to write for user not for search engine. When you write for for your user, you blog will rise very soon.

Minimum Posts: It’s first question in mind of every newbie that how much post is sufficient for Google adsense. If you have 40 plus fresh unique articles then it’s enough. Don’t write short post like 200 or 300 words. Always try to write to make your post lengthy around 1000 words. If you have not enough content on blog then you will get reply like Insufficient content or Unacceptable site content.

Blog Theme: blog design is also very important in the case of google adsense aprovel. Our blog design should be looking fresh, easy navigation and responsive. A lot of themes are present on web including both free and premium.

Custom Domain: You just created a blog on blogspot and then applied for adsense. Then your application never approve.You should have a top level domain ( .com , .net, .org) before apply for adsense. If you belong to asian country then you should wait for six month. It is not recommended because google need authority site. Never try with free domain like .tk, .ml or other.

Important Page: It’s very important that our blog have a about us page. Simply write about yourself and put your social links. Also write vision of blog in this page. Contact Us Page and Privacy Policy Page is also very very important. You can generate privacy page online.

Name and Age Verification:
Never apply with fake name. You must have 18 years old. An user who is less than 18 years old is not capable for adsense account.

Other ad network: At the stage of google adsense aprovel your blog should not contain any other ads like chitika, bidvertiser etc. You can use these after success in application to generate more revenue.

Paid Traffic:
If you are driving paid traffic and have a dream of google adsense, then forget this dream.Google never approve a blog who use paid traffic.So never try black hat method for traffic.

Final Word: By using these following tips you can approve your adsense easily.

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On page seo refers to placing keywords at accurate position to optimize blog to rank higher in search engines. on page seo is the initi...